Repurposing at THF

I have long been an believer in the manta “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”. I drive myself and others crazy because I simply cannot throw things out. Not if they are still usable and I can find someone to take them. Everyone I work with has been “gifted” at least one item over last 20 years. Have gotten pretty good at conning them into taking this or that off my hands. And I feel the tiniest bit lighter each time they do so.
At Tiny House Farm we have lots of extra things; trees, bushes, flowers, birds, dirt and rocks. So many rocks. Rots-a-rocks. I am pretty sure the only thing we have more of rocks is our weeds.
For days, we picked and raked and hauled buckets and buckets out of our planned garlic patch.
Most of our rocks are fist sized, or smaller but we did hit on quite a few of their big brothers. Getting the big boys out was a challenge but helped break up the monotony. Have to say it again, before Ron does – this is better than having a gym membership. Got a great workout and had something to show for it.  A pile of rocks.  And good family time.  FYI – Ron loves this trailer.  A great purchase that does just what we need it to and more.
Ron had decided to use our rocks to fill in part of the culvert. That way the 4 wheeler would have an easier time getting across to our mushrooms.   We lost track of the number of trips we made.  One after another with two big bins and three smaller buckets full of rocks.
This is what parts of our path tends looks like after the rain. This makes for a major struggle getting our loaded wagon from one part of the farm to another. So Ron decided to repurpose more of our rocks in an effort to make our lives just a bit easier.
Each additional load fills in a bit more and helps reduce the amount of mud formed after the rain.
DSCN0802Every trip that Ron makes over these rocks with his  4 wheeler helps settle them more firmly into the dirt.  The deer aren’t happy with this project though.  They much prefer the mud to walk in.
Ron’s first road. I am pretty sure that the Roman Empire started this way.

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