A new perspective on life

Happenings in your daily life take on new meaning when you are trying to get a business up and running.
When you place an online order in your normal life and you get an email saying the order is delayed, you might say a few choice words under your breath, but you patiently wait. Unless you waited until the last-minute for that needed gift,
But if you have ordered something that not only is for your business but, as in our case, needs to be planted, it creates a whole other stress level.
Wailing and gnashing of teeth becomes the norm. Veiled and not so veiled threats are hurled back at the unfeeling company who is taking food out of your babies’ mouths, screwing up your hard-fought for Zen, and generally ruining your life.
The mad scramble begins to find a company who can fill your order in the time frame you and Mother Nature have established. You thump through your stack of catalogs and search online for another company who sells the product you need. Of course it is not that easy as you are now dealing with a totally new kind of stress. You not only have to compare the product itself, but the package size, shipping costs and time, taxes, and the quality. It is never as simple as the final price. But you are close to desperate as Mother Nature waits for no back order, so you cross your fingers and hit the submit order button. A sigh of relief escapes you when the confirmation email is received back. One crisis averted.
I work for a large financial institution who has, as part of their code of conduct, a requirement that all employees notify the HR department if they get a second job, decide to run for office or own their own business. Now that we are official, it was time to fill out the forms. They gave me a good laugh. Asking me if my business would be publicly traded. Then they asked me what my responsibilities would be. I put down that I would be 1/3 of the manual labor and keeper of the books. I could have told them that I was the official worrier, harness-er of “wild ideas”, questioner of expenditures, squelch-er of one thing too much, reassure-er in chief, general support staff and non “girly girl”.
Or I could have attached a few pictures.
Ron owes my Mom and Dad. And my sisters, Mary and Patty. We were never afraid of the hard work or getting dirty.
I just need to have him to stop having a more ideas. Hair is already grey, don’t need to have it start falling out.

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