THF version 2017 – Big plans, rough start

I would have said rocky start, but we have not actually done anything with our rocks this year, yet.  Ron has some seriously big plans for 2017.  Not only continuing his expansion of his mushroom forest, but for our 3 acre field as well.  Lavender is among the new additions.  Starts have already been ordered and we will be planting them this spring.  Along with calendula, an herb with a lovely yellow flower that is highly prized for its medicinal qualities.  That is actually going to be my baby. Along with a few other herbs.

Part of his expansion plans include other varieties of mushrooms.  He has heard the phrase “what else you got” from several sources.  When we chopped up the fallen tree last fall, he decided to put it to good use it for oyster mushrooms. This was a new process for us.  Unfortunately I forgot my camera that day and while Jo used her Ipad to take some photos, they were accidentally deleted.  Partly my fault as I did not get them from her immediately. Lesson learned.

We cut each 4 foot sections into smaller slices, then we restacked them after spreading a generous amount of the spawn in between the slices.  The fun part was getting the stacks back together and steady enough not to fall over.  You will notice our attempt at a support system on the one stack.  I am looking forward to seeing how our efforts work out.  Though, again not planning to eat them.

On January 4, 2017 Ron posted an ad on our Tiny House Farm Augusta NY FB page.  This year we need to find another source for our mushroom bolts.  His post was very specific.  Giving sizes needed, acceptable types of trees, that they needed to be straight  and even more importantly, distance restrictions.  In order for us to comply with the Certified Naturally Grown regulations our source has to be within 50 miles of the farm.   He also stressed that he needed the logs delivered.  This to reduce the stress on us.

Most of you will not be surprised to hear that he got all sorts of replies – from people in Albany and Rochester, those who had trees but no way to get them cut down, or who had massively big trees to get rid of.

He did connect with a couple who are about 4 miles from THF and have lots of ironwood trees to get rid of. This will be a change for us as while these trees do make great mushroom bolts, but they, as the name indicates, are a much harder wood.  We shall see how our grinder does with them.    Ron also had a back up source who agreed to provide 200 sugar maple logs.  Emails were sent back and forth.  And any of you who have dealt with Ron, know full well that he was very specific and wordy about what he was looking for.   Turns out the guy could not read.  When Ron contacted him last week to finalize things he was shocked to find out that Ron was expecting sugar maples only and delivery.  Gotta love people.  According to Cornell’s studies and based on firewood prices, 150 bolts would be worth $180 dollars.  We are offering just about double that and you don’t have to chop and split it.  All very confusing that people want to sell us their logs but on their terms, not ours.  But Ron is extremely persistent and will find someone.

Which brings me to the point of this post.  On April 1  we will be holding our 3rd annual mushroom inoculation event.  Looking for any and all volunteers to come and help us.  Having repeat attendees is a good thing as they will know just what to do, but we are hoping to see some new faces this year.  Ron is all about spreading his knowledge around.  And free labor.

We will get started at 9 am.  Of course Ron and I will be out at THF hours before that.   Our fabulous tent will again keep the work stations and workers nice and dry and a burn barrel will be at the ready in case it is colder than expected.  Breakfast, lunch, coffee and tea along with snacks will be provided.  Along with lots of good conversation, exercise and fun.

There will be no rain/snow date.  If a blizzard hits, we might have to postpone.  But knowing Ron, he will expect me to be out there with him no matter what.  There may yet be a divorce in his future.

Another one of Ron’s whimsy additions to THF. More to come.

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