An easy day at THF

Today there were no major projects in the works. Ron wanted to use some of our abundant rocks to fill in the massively muddy ruts he had been dealing with while using the 4 wheeler to move our mushrooms bolts to their shady resting spot. Every time he drives up the bank the wheels dig in a bit deeper. He had been out there by himself last week and had gotten royally stuck in the mucky mud. He managed to get himself and the 4 wheeler free but came home covered in mud.
We were going to try and make it safer for us to move back and forth across our second creek bed. We would pick up any rocks we found on the surface in our 3 acre field. Not only would that fill in the ruts, but would get just a few more rocks out of our way when tree and bush planting started. Seeing as how our field is still chock full of rocks, it took no time at all for our wagon to be filled.
We had a great time tossing rocks into the mud and watching them sink. More than a few times we hit the water and got seriously splashed. We really could have used a budding shot putter who was anxious to practice his technique. Obviously it was going to take more a couple of loads.
Back to the field for more rocks. We really should have dug these rocks out before the rye grass got so high. It has shot up since last weekend along with the dandelions. Won’t complain though, the rye has really helped cut down on the rest of the weeds. I figure five, ten years from now and we will really have a handle on both the rocks and weeds.IMG_4534
Two loads of rocks and we are starting to see a difference. By this time it is after noon and getting cloudy. Made it cooler which actually made it an easier work day. Even better, the bugs have not yet made their full appearance.
After the third load, we decided this was enough for the day. A much needed break for quick lunch of hot dogs cooked on the grill. Then we took a run out to check on the red wine cap mushrooms and the rest of plants we had out on other end of THF. No mushrooms yet, and while a few tiny plants popping up, but we aren’t sure if they are from the seeds we plants or just weeds. Time will tell.
Then we moved the last of our plastic pallets across to the mushroom bolt area and set up one more frame to lay the bolts onto.
Done for the day and we headed home. When we got there, Ron decided he had just enough energy left to help me weed wack the winter rye growing in our raised beds. I planted it last fall in the hope that it would improve our soil and cut down on the weeds. Let it go just a bit too long though and it is now about 2 feet high. Then he decided to mow the lawn. Jo had done it just over a week ago but it was already looking shaggy with way too many dandelions. I took over from him and he got busy with the weed wacker to take care of the edges. It is such a good feeling to have things done. And best of all, since we got all this done today, Ron can’t pull his usual routine and get me involved in seriously hard yard work on Mother’s Day.

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