Tale of a trailer

Tiny House Farm Augusta New York has been in operation for over a year now.  Though we are not yet a going concern.  That will come next year.  But none of the progress we have made would have been possible without our fabulous trailer.

This was the second trailer we bought. The first one, I have to admit was cute and fun to maneuver around the living room . We had high hopes for and it managed to get through hauling our first delivery of mushroom bolts in 2015 but,  it was a struggle.  Could only hold 5 bolts at a time and we ended up hauling it manually instead of using the  4 wheeler.


It was a massive hassle to back up with it attached.  We needed it to haul serious loads and this cute baby was just not up to the task.  So that one went back to the company and Ron found another one.  Lots of research involved but let me tell you, this is the best ATV trailer you could buy.  And so worth the money.  Because it was not cheap.  Caused me a shudder or two.  But no more.  He bought from Country MFG, a Tandem Trailer model 7550ATV.  It came in a big box but with great assembly instructions.  We put it together in no time and with no yelling involved.


We have used it to haul our fire wood from our driveway to our backyard stacks.  And what a difference it made . It was still a lot of wood to shift but it was so much easier on all of us and we got it done in less than half the usual time.

And getting the mushroom bolts across the stream and into their assigned location – almost a breeze the next time. This baby can carry up to 2500 pounds and we have come close to exceeded that limit. With our rocks, so many rocks.


The side and back rails come off which has come in handy when we need to move large items like the cribs we built for our red wine cap mushrooms.  That was one of our most nerve wracking adventures.


We have hauled all sorts of supplies in our trailer from the road to our assorted work sites.


A ladder, tent, shovels, coolers, tarps, buckets, mulch, hammers and saws, 2 x 4 wood beams, chairs, a grill, compost, pallets and lots more have all made the trip to the work site on our trailer.


We could not get our pawpaws, elderberries and garlic watered without the trailer.  It handles a full water tank with ease.  No matter how any times we go back and forth to get more.   If we can lift it onto the trailer bed and fit inside or strap it down, there has been nothing we have not been able to move with ease.

Only one time have we had any trouble.  Unless you count the number of trees Ron has dinged and dented by driving too close to them.  He cannot drive very fast due to the number of trees, rocks, gullies and assorted other hindrances.  But he smacks at least one tree on every trip by swinging too wide on his turns.  Or just not paying attention.


Our first flat tire put us out of commission for a day and a half.  Now that we have spares at home, this should not be a problem again.  And the patch is still holding.

We have learned during our adventure, sometimes the hard way, that having the right tool for the job makes all the difference. And that buying a quality product will save you money and aggravation in the long run.  And sometimes, you just luck out.  And  you find the right tool that works great and makes you happy every time.


Especially when you can use your trailer to give your Mom, who is 95 years old a tour of your farm.  Something that would not be possible to do otherwise.

Kudos to you, Country MFG for terrific product.  One that totally lives up to its billing.

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