Category Archives: Backyard Gardening

And so it begins

In 2006 Ron decided that our family needed to have a garden, a square foot garden. Not a man to do anything by half measures, he bought newest book by Mel Bartholomew and the VHS tape. Then spent months researching the process and the best wood to use that he could find around here, cedar not being within our budget or driving distance. Once he figured out how to create the boxes and where he was going to put them in our backyard, it became a family project. With lots of use of measuring tape, string and pencil marks. Each box had to be just right and ready for planting in the spring of 2007. Then he had to decide what he wanted to grow. Then come up with trellis plan for the cucumbers and tomatoes.
From the start he was successful and he was hooked. So was I. We had fresh radishes, lettuces, cucumbers, dill, fingerling potatoes, and tomatoes. Of course they were all organically grown too. We could not wait until next spring when we could start all over again.